Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Wrong Side of the Bed

Filed under Self by at 12:40 pm on Nov 02 2009

I got out of bed on the same side I do every morning, like most folks. By the time I got to work, I had decided it was the wrong side. According to a thoroughly non-rigourous search of the internet, this phrase has its origin in getting up on the left side of the bed, from back when people remembered that left was “sinister”. The left when I’m facing it or when I’m in it? Whatever, my point is that I am in a really terrific mood.

(Although the other night I slept on Jack’s side of the bed and I have to admit it was a strangely refreshing change of pace to wake up and see a different part of the room! So maybe it’s good to shake things up.)

I am creaky and sore in weird ways, and for the past week I’ve been eating bran muffins and salads (though I did indulge mildly at Telf’s Halloween party because who can pass up cheese baked in phyllo or peanut butter crunchy things) and the HCC bookstore is never open when I have time to go there and the bathroom is a nuclear waste disaster area and I have a spider bite that won’t heal so I’m pretty sure I’m gonna lose that leg and and and…

I came in to work this morning to the Buddhist Prayer Deck that I set up right next to my monitor to remind me, on days like this, that it’s not worth being grumpy. I am still halfway of the “fuck you, Buddhist Prayer Deck” mindset but it’s hard to deny that when you’re fully engaged in snarl mode, seeing “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” gives slight pause.

Then Jack texted me with a theory about what is up with Izzie on Grey’s Anatomy and being texted before 10 in the morning by your heterosexual life partner about a nighttime soap opera pretty much cuts a big chink in your armor of grr, so I LOL’ed right there in my cube, and then got to work.

6 Responses to “Wrong Side of the Bed”

  1. 1 CSueon 02 Nov 2009 at 4:04 pm

    Calls from Moo at work always cheer me up, even when I’m too busy to talk much. :>

    I shudder to think how I’d feel in the morning if I slept on his side of the bed. Or maybe it would fix my back. WORTH TRYING!


    Kim Reply:

    Jack says there’s a hole in the mattress where he sleeps, I think he’s just saying it because his side is more comfy and he doesn’t want me to steal it.


  2. 2 Leesaon 02 Nov 2009 at 9:09 pm

    That first verse of the Dhammapada I find to be very profound. The translation I have is slightly different but the meaning is the same: “Our life is the creation of our mind.” I think of it often :)


    Kim Reply:

    I didn’t think of it often, or in those words necessarily, but I will now!


  3. 3 Meganon 03 Nov 2009 at 7:24 am

    Ben sleeps on the right and I sleep on the left, so I guess I always get up on the wrong side of the bed. On the rare occasions when Ben occupies a bed without me, I know he sleeps in a diagonal sprawl covering the entire bed. When I have to sleep without him, I stay on my side, but Ben will tell you when he is in the bed, I try and sleep on his side with him.


    Kim Reply:

    I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten out of the shower and gone to sit on my side of the bed only to find that I’m sitting on Jack’s foot as he has instinctively taken over the whole joint. :)


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