Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Little Boxes

Filed under Tiny Houses by at 9:04 am on Oct 31 2008

…on a hillside. It was a bad thing, then. Now I kind of have a dream of living in a commune of little boxes on a hillside. Fortunately for me, someone is traveling that path already, so I can see that it works.

“I am supplying little houses for a Buddhist compound (also programmers), which might be a model for other communities.”

Model, indeed. Someday perhaps I will find like-minded individuals who want to do something like this with me. (And yes, I would need a separate shed for music, unless the “main house” could keep that sort of thing.) (Oh man! Solar powered music studio. I wants it!)

One Response to “Little Boxes”

  1. 1 rdonoghueon 31 Oct 2008 at 10:00 am

    I must admit it reminds me of summer camp.


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