Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Clutter Catasrophe: My Office

Filed under Home,Purge Thursday by at 2:55 pm on Jun 10 2009

If there is anyone who needs to restart her Purge Thursday habits, it is me. I have been psychologically blocked lately in part due to this obsession with taking before pictures. But this weekend there was sun! So I took this picture of my office:

It is stitched together with the Canon Photostitch software and has a few problems, but you get the picture. If you click through I’ve noted what everything is. The reality of the situation is that 50% of this stuff can be purged! But for some reason I wanted to show it all to you first.

Can you imagine me trying to get any homework or studying done in this mess? There is no flat surface except a crappy TV table and a tall table you can only stand up to use! Thusly, this is going to remain my World of Warcraft, blogging, and bill paying office while I am going to carve out part of the spare bedroom (the part currently devoted to crafts) to be my study.

I had my friend Jenna over Sunday to plan. She is a professional designer people! Without her I’d be putting in some ugly junk in a haphazard manner. You know it because you can see the photographic evidence that this is what I did! I expect to finish this project sometime… next year. Getting the spare room ready for change will be a non-small job, and I am scared of it.

7 Responses to “Clutter Catasrophe: My Office”

  1. 1 TAOon 10 Jun 2009 at 4:07 pm

    I can sympathize. My home office is also a mess. I went into the closet there today and wondered how so many empty boxes could pile up. I’ve kept them for shipping things but it seems I’ve not shipped enough things. LOL. I wish you well on your quest for a quiet and organized place to study.


    Kim Reply:

    Oh yes, I am familiar with the boxes issue as well. Thank you – I will need all the well wishes! I am sure I will be throwing things around out of frustration in no time.


  2. 2 Christineon 11 Jun 2009 at 6:34 am

    You can do it!
    And I love the new site – the pic of the ink bottle is gorgeous – I love the light streaks.


    Kim Reply:



  3. 3 prakrition 11 Jun 2009 at 7:24 am

    I highly recommend this blog:

    she is an organization queen! She has the most amazing tips, like putting each cable in its own ziploc bag so it doesn’t get tangled with all the other cables! genius I tell you!!!


    Kim Reply:

    Aha! So many good links from there, thanks.


  4. 4 Meganon 13 Jun 2009 at 9:06 pm

    If it makes you feel any better, I looked at your picture and thought “That’s a decently neat office.” You have to understand where I’m coming from though. There are some pictures here

    of the contents of the home office I share with Ben strewn all over my house as we purged and cleaned. We had to send the children away for the weekend to do it. It has been less than a year and the office has already reverted to it’s natural state. Complete chaos. I swear to God I used to be a neat person before I married this man and had his children. Now I think I’ve just given up.


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