Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Quiet Christmas Photolog

Filed under Vacation by at 2:42 pm on Dec 31 2009

After the harrowing drive, Beachmas itself was quiet and lovely. We ate many things and read books, tried to do a puzzle that was so hard that we all gave up, explored bits of the Outer Banks we hadn’t previously, that kind of thing. Jack introduced my mother to Arrested Development and I had no idea how much she would like that. My family may be tiny, but we do know how to chill together.

My parents got me an Xbox for Christmas which has allowed us to launch ourselves into the effort that is Rock Band. I used to call Blizzard the money printing machine – I believe that title is now also afforded to Harmonix. Jack had a little ethernet adventure getting the thing online, but we did it successfully and: why didn’t anyone tell me The Damned’s “Smash It Up” is available? I’ll be playing through that 1,000 times.

I was sad to leave, to see another Christmas pass, knowing how much I’d looked forward to vacation all year. But I came back weirdly energized. Penny says it’s distracting thoughts stopping me from doing things I feel obligated to do, and she’s right, but any productivity is fine with me. Maybe this weekend I’ll see if I can apply some of those buzzing thoughts and mind energy to the stuff I feel I need to do.

2 Responses to “Quiet Christmas Photolog”

  1. 1 Aimee Greeblemonkeyon 14 Jan 2010 at 9:31 am

    Kim, your photos are lovely!


    Kim Reply:

    Thank you so much, that is a high compliment coming from your corner! 😀


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