Conspicuous Consumption Entry
My hair stylist Bree has been telling me for months about Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Treat Shampoo & Conditioner and I was like “sha, whatever” for just about as long. But since the product I really want to use, DevaCurl, is like $298,475.23 a bottle and this stuff is only $7 I decided to give it a try. The shampoo has no sulfates and the conditioner has no silicones, so if you are trying to avoid those, these products qualify. But what really won me over is the OMG WAKE UP tingle and scent of mint and chamomile! It’s very… stimulating. And doesn’t give me tummyaches like coffee.
Weekend before last I made a snap decision to go to Maryland Renfaire. I’ve been going for nigh on 16 years now and I think I saw more shows this time than in the whole previous 15 years combined. I only consumed one type of meat on a stake, but my partner in meat consumption wasn’t present. I wandered to every jewelry shop one by one, guided by my compatriots who actually pay attention to where things are, declaring all the bracelets in the joint too girly. Until finally we made it to The Crafty Celts where I purchased in 30 seconds flat this perfect torc-style bracelet. I love it and I want to wear it every day forever.
It’s been a banner week for people recognizing that particular tattoo, too, from the merch guy at the Porcupine Tree concert who was all steeped in amazement at my Genesis fandom to a total stranger at the Renfaire walking up and saying “Is that from Wind & Wuthering?” and it is a universal truth that anyone who does recognize it a) underestimates my age and b) comments openly about a young person even knowing that album. I don’t mind any of this, because I am always delighted to meet other Genesis fans, and am also fine with my age being underestimated.
This weekend after class I went to the mall. Jack and I had just reviewed our budgets and noted a need to slash same budgets in the areas of food and bullshit. So I exercised my willpower by going to the mall and not buying anything. Well, I replaced my empty bottle of MV3. (Side note: MAC does recycling of containers!) (Also: They currently have a black lipstick in their lineup that I would have died for a decade ago. But my black lipstick wearing days are over.) But there were four other dumb-shit non-necessities things I did not buy! Baby steps.