Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Purge Thursday: Specs

Filed under Purge Thursday by at 8:02 am on Jan 29 2009

I recently attended a 90s themed party. To this party I was able to wear:

  • an ear cuff with two chains that lead to earrings
  • rolled faded black jeans (new)
  • my high school graduating class t-shirt with sleeves rolled up (designed by Andrew Burger, as I recall)
  • green Docs I bought on a high school exchange trip to England
  • pride rings necklace (maybe people still wear these?)
  • actual glasses I actually wore in 1992

You will not see pictures of this outfit because frankly it is embarrassing. But it helped me to realize that I so don’t need to keep glasses that date all the way back to a time before Bill Clinton was president. Fortunately, our local library has a Lions Club eyeglass recycling donation box!

Weirdly, these are the hardest thing to let go of so far. I guess I should consider that if I had a hip replacement two times, I wouldn’t want to keep the previous synthetic joint… Also they probably wouldn’t let me with the biohazard and all. OK, it’s not the same. Glasses are like my nose or eyebrows – part of my face. Well, they are not doing anyone any good sitting in my drawer, so adieu.

3 Responses to “Purge Thursday: Specs”

  1. 1 Angela @ Lost In Splendoron 29 Jan 2009 at 1:58 pm

    Ah the 90’s. Why did we all think we were so cool? I did the whole huge bottomed jeans (like 80″ bottoms) and faded Buffy/tie dye t-shirts. Oh how I cringe when I see those photos. Actually somewhat it’s from the early 2000’s too. It took a while for the bad taste to die. I also was very into the Spice Girls/Clueless thing also.

    I’m pretty sure some people still do pride jewelry, but when it comes to me I just say no. I don’t need to wear my sexual preference around my neck the same way I did when I was 16.


    Kim Reply:

    Oh god, I looooved the Spice Girls. Actually… I still like the music, and the movie. :)

    I feel like the pride jewelry was often part of the fight, and while there is still so much to fight for, the banners and methods of protest have changed. It was also a good way to let another lady know I was into ladies… not that that ever got my anywhere.


  2. 2 Angela @ Lost In Splendoron 29 Jan 2009 at 8:03 pm

    Me too! I loved that movie.

    Yeah, I used it as my way to be in people’s faces and let them know gay people exist and if it helped me make more gay friends awesome.


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