Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

HALLELUJAH! Finals are over.

Filed under School,work by at 8:34 pm on Dec 10 2008

And lo there was a rejoicing!! Our rude professor is now merely a figment of our memories! And, supposedly, I have learned the things I need to know about the various systems of the body.

So to celebrate, I went to the Staples. And bought fountain pen refills. For the Parker Vector I found abandoned, dried out, and unusable in the pen cup last week. See, I’ve developed a mild obsession with fountain pens over the past few weeks. I blame stress and pen blogs.

I’ve been off work the past two days (back spasm! whee!) so when I return tomorrow it will be special. I can check email from home, so I already know just how special. But it’s OK, because when I deal with that backlog and reassimilate myself into some important project things, and it’s time to go home, I won’t have to grind my gears into biology! I had a long chat with Penny about working and going to school at the same time, and how some people are more suited to it than others. I would have to say I am not, and I am not sure if that makes me a worse person or what, but I have to really want something to put up with it. (Or one of the jobs/pursuits has to be low intensity… like shelving books… ahh, the best college job I ever had…)

What about you fair readers? Have you worked two jobs? Gone to school and worked full time? Parents, I’m curious if someone has done that stuff and parented, vs. school+job or job+job. Which was worse? What gets you through?

2 Responses to “HALLELUJAH! Finals are over.”

  1. 1 SparklieSunShineon 11 Dec 2008 at 9:36 am

    Hooray for finals being over! Mine was yesterday. Yay! Good luck with your grades. :)


    Kim Reply:

    Good luck with your grades too!!

    I haven’t forgotten about your cds! I am going to send them sometime soon, but I decided since it’s December I’d add the Winter one in!


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