Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

The A Game

Filed under School by at 2:47 pm on Nov 11 2008

We had the lab practical last night. Alongside it came the torrent of complaints. The one that was most surprising to me was “I don’t think this is testing me on anything I learned.” Well, I guess that one must be true. -.- There were some tricky questions… how was I supposed to know that a tiny tape marker that’s sitting on both the PCT and the DCT (parts of a nephron but by no means all of it) is meant to indicate “nephron”? I got anywhere from an 88 to a 96 depending on how harshly he’s graded us. Because everyone including the prof was acting all butthurt and emotional about the test I decided to stop caring, not in a ‘give up and get bad grades’ way but in a ‘do my best and ignore problems and let it be’ way.

I did get a call from Dr. B while I was in the exam, though, and afterwards got a chance to yammer at her about nursing school options. Looking at real-university 2nd degree BSN programs reminds me of how much my terrible GPA from Virginia Tech is an albatross. Kids, keep your grades up!! Wait, I don’t know any kids.

Earlier today I had my fingerprints taken. Given a choice to be employed or not, I went along with it although my little paranoid heart doesn’t like the idea. I suppose I was hoping I’d get through life without anyone putting my prints on file somewhere. Our company is part of a bank now and we’re subject to laws that dictate it must happen.

For those of you who were sympathetic to my thoughts about the plastic mess in the ocean, I recently subscribed to Fake Plastic Fish, a blog about reducing plastic waste in our personal lives. There’s a lot of things you can do or stop doing, and it does seem intimidating, but it’s nice to know someone out there is being really serious about it and blazing the trail.

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