Remotely Warm Will Suffice
Filed under Home by Kim at 2:38 pm on Mar 06 2010
You know I am desperate for friendly weather when I:
- go out on my front porch with a chair
- stay out there for an hour
- in 45 degree weather
- with the neighbor kids constantly getting almost run over or sworn at
See, my front porch is pretty much arm’s length from the actual road. If I want to spend time in a pastoral outdoor locale, I either go for the back yard (all 100 square feet of it) or I hie myself to someplace else, like a friend’s house with a real yard. Our back yard, in addition to being wee, doesn’t get much sun and still has huge piles of snow all over it.
This week though, I’ve been trapped in the house for days coughing up hideous things and slowly lowering my standards for acceptable television viewing*. So despite the slight chilliness (which I am choosing to read as lovely temperate climes) and the eardrum-busting Harleys going by in packs (their drivers are feeling this weather as much as me) and the aforementioned heart-stopping textbook soccer-ball-in-the-road incidents every five minutes, I sat in my lovely folding chair for about an hour pretending I was a Victorian lady with TB taking the air. (Thanks to Liz, excellent suggestion.) I did it twice, in fact.
I was loving it so much that the only thing that could drive me inside was the one flying stinging insect that survived the winter taking a sudden and undeniable interest in me on day one, and running out of the store of tissues I’d brought out on day two. That said, it was delightful, and may become a regular feature of my life. Traffic in my face and all.
* I DVRed something on the THIS channel (I did not know we even had a THIS channel, nor did I know until this moment what the hell it is) called “The Dark Tower” which I thought might be a vaguely interesting 1943 film about circus performers. THAT IS WHAT THE GUIDE SAID. What I got was a one-star 1987 Poltergeist ripoff called Dark Tower with everyone’s favorite weirdo Michael Moriarty in the main role. It should indicate how low my standards were that I almost watched this thing.
1 Michelleon 08 Mar 2010 at 7:28 am
OMG yesterday was gorgeous and I basically used any excuse I could to stay outside.
Kim Reply:
March 8th, 2010 at 10:43 pm
I would have stayed outside longer if I had any energy! But that’s getting better.
2 Christineon 08 Mar 2010 at 9:17 am
Glad you’re feeling a bit better – it’s supposed to be in the 60s today – yay!!!
Kim Reply:
March 8th, 2010 at 10:44 pm
I don’t know if it got there but I did wander outside without a jacket for lunch – divine.
3 Meganon 08 Mar 2010 at 10:22 am
I have a stack of papers to grade today and I’m seriously considered parking myself in a folding chair in my front yard while doing it just to be Outside.
I have a single crocus blooming in my front yard. I’m going to put my chair next to that lonely flower and tell it how much I love it and please bring your friends.
I have never been this desperate for Spring.
P.S. Feel better. I’m on spring break next week and we need to go to lunch.
Kim Reply:
March 8th, 2010 at 10:44 pm
I think DayQuil allowed me to pretend to feel better for long enough that it may have become real.
I dropped you an email about lunch, next week will hopefully be good if all my new work deadlines from missing several days are behind me!
4 girlvaughnon 08 Mar 2010 at 3:14 pm
your low standards are seventhousandmillion times higher than my low standards. When I am sick I watch crap like Real Housewives and America’s Next Top Model and things on MTV. I am not proud. Hope you are feeling better.
Kim Reply:
March 8th, 2010 at 10:45 pm
I may have also watched a bunch of Wendy Williams though, so…