Purge Thursday: Perfumers and Baghounds Take Note
Filed under Purge Thursday by Kim at 5:04 pm on Jan 07 2010
I’ve got some stuff going out this week that might be of interest to y’all. \FREE STUFF to the people!
First: A laptop bag by Simple. I thought it would fit things they way I wanted and it didn’t really. So I would be happy to gift it to someone who has been wanting a new laptop bag with a nice organic style. It’s the combover style, and you can see what the pockets look like inside on zappos. This one is a tan color, as you can see.
Second: A Perfume-Making Kit. 9 small atomisers, some perfumer’s alcohol, and pipette thingies to move oils or alcohol from one place to another. I will throw in my BPAL imp box as well. This project worked really, really well for me but I can’t use the perfume as fast as the supply I have, and I am kind of a one-note girl these days. This works with one imp or oil sample per atomizer, so it makes your perfume oils go a loooong way. There are notes on the picture on flickr if you want more info.
I’d prefer these go to local folks I can meet up with; I’m not shipping hazmats!
Undocumented: This past weekend I purged a massive carful of clothes, shoes, and sundries. Including some shoes I’ve had since ’98. Looking at the photo I feel a little pang of regret but seriously I haven’t worn them in a year.And they were causing hell on my arches when I did wear them. Oh well – they are gone now!
Still to go: A LOT OF THINGS. I still haven’t figured out how to deal with the double four poster bed (anyone out there need one???) and I have decided to sell one of the drum kits as well. I have special plans for all my knitting equipment and got boxes to ship that finally. So the wheels are in motion!
1 Jackieon 07 Jan 2010 at 5:06 pm
Hey, if you’re sure about the bag, I would be happy to take it off your hands! Let me know….
Kim Reply:
January 7th, 2010 at 5:18 pm
This must be some kind of record! I’ll drop you an email and see if we can work a meetup. It’s a really nice bag!
2 angela-la-laon 07 Jan 2010 at 6:13 pm
Perfume kit! I would love it. Are you going to come up for the chili cookoff?
Bonus: if there are any scents in there you still like I will totally make you soap.
Kim Reply:
January 7th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
It looks like we will be in Norfolk celebrating my parents’ 40th anniversary that weekend. :-/ I wish we could be in two places.
I do still like the scents – but they have all degraded and broken down to smell not like they originally did. So that’s kind of a wash, and part of the reason I can’t deal with BPAL – the oils lose their consistency before I can use them!
If I can find a way to get this to you without mailing hazmats (sigh, perfumers alcohol!), i.e. someone is heading north that will take it, then you can have it!
Squeegibo Reply:
January 8th, 2010 at 8:25 am
I would be happy to play delivery boy. When can I stop by to pick up the kit? Er, and where exactly is your house? Maybe you could email it to me.
Kim Reply:
January 8th, 2010 at 8:50 am
Thank you! I’ll drop you a line.
3 Moiraon 08 Jan 2010 at 9:42 am
If you still have the bed by the time I have a house, I will take it. It might be a few months, though. Hopefully not as long as the T&G experience.
Kim Reply:
January 8th, 2010 at 12:59 pm
I love this idea, the only problem I see with it is that I really wanted to get the bed out of the house within the next month. I don’t suppose you could store it in the meantime? I am hoping to rip out all the carpet in that room, stuff like that.
4 Beckion 08 Jan 2010 at 10:32 am
Yay, knitting shipping!
Kim Reply:
January 8th, 2010 at 1:00 pm
I found out last night that the box I got to put stuff in is too small! I am going to need a bigger box!!